So much better than the book
15 December 2012
Let me start by saying that I have read the books a long time ago (both the LotR series and the Hobbit), as well as a wide array from the fantasy genre. I do personally believe that authors like Terry Goodkind, R.A. Salvatore or Sapkowski wrote superior novels to those of Tolkien. However, Peter Jackson always had a way of making something good into something of legend.

And he outdid himself this time. I expected that the 2:49 hour long runtime would be a bit too long. Well, by the end of the film (this is a film, not a movie, nuff said), I was thinking "what, it's already over?". Beautiful landscapes, breathtaking cinematography (pretty sure it will receive a nomination for the Academy Awards this year), insanely well choreographed fight and action scenes, and a lot more than I can give praise too.

There is also a tendency toward humor, more so than in the LotR. I found it enjoyable, however, it might not be for everyone. Also, I have heard controversy about the 48 frame high-def version being unpleasant and a failure. I cannot comment on this, as I have seen the 24 frame version, in standard 3D, and couldn't find anything bothering about the way it was filmed. However, the polish of the CGI could have been better. It's not bad at all, but it did feel "meh" at times. Still, I personally think that CGI is hardly important when setting up atmosphere and telling a story, and there cannot be any complaints there. The costumes were great, and the soundtrack is far, FAR better than in the previous LotR titles (even though Howard Shore obviously reused some of the themes, altering and improving upon them).

As for the acting, it was top notch. I had no doubts that Ian McKellen would deliver, but I was pleasantly surprised by Martin Freeman. He does a vastly superior job compared to Elijah Wood. Richard Armitage and Ken Scott also deliver solid performances. I'm sure we'll be seeing a lot more of them in the future following these roles.

Overall, my expectations were high, and I was not let down. I knew I would love The Hobbit, but I never expected it to be this good. Sure, we can nitpick some of its elements if we really wanted to, but overall, it is one of the best films Hollywood gave us in quite a few years, and you should not think twice about going to see it.
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