Fringe: Anomaly XB-6783746 (2012)
Season 5, Episode 10
Fringe Anomaly XB-6783746
22 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The fringe rebellions have the child Michael with them and find it hard to try talk to him. They try to ask him questions but still no answer comes from him. Walter thinks they should drug the child to get him to talk. Olivia calls Nina looking for help but it is not safe for the two to speak. The observers then walk in looking for Nina who they suspect of speaking with the fringe team. They then bring a device to find out Nina is the one in connection with the rebels. Nina tells the team that they can use some of her equipment to talk to the boy. Olivia still has problems seeing Etta's face plastered around town but cannot show her true emotions. Nina brings the team to the black lab to give them the new device to talk to Michael. They see that in the lab there was tests done on the observers. The tests start on Michael with Nina and Walter looking at how his brain actually works. Results come up that Michael is unlike other observers which is why he cannot contact with normal people. The people who work at Nina's lab are being looked by the observers and the gang cannot contact them. While the observers interview the doctors at the lab the gang break into a building. The main observer does not believe what Hastings says so he dismisses everyone else because they are not needed. Olivia then sees that the observers are in the building they are in. Nina steps outside and her signal is tracked. When Windmark goes the gang find out everyone knows where Nina is now. While in town the guys get away from their car and have to find a different form of transport to keep Nina and Michael Sae. Nina goes against Windmark by blocking her thoughts from him. Windmark then sees the bodies that were tested on by Nina calling her the animal. Windmark breaks Nina's mind finding out all he needs to know about Michael. She try's to fight back but he breaks her wanting to know where Michael is. Nina gives Windmark her passionate speech calling him the true animal just before she is restrained to her chair, but before she pulls a gun and kills herself. The gang of three get to the lab but only left behind is Nina's dead body. Everyone sees that she is dead and Walter starts to cry showing his emotions while the other two start to get emotional at the loss of Nina. Walter thinks the observers have the boy which leads the three to watch a video of Nina's last moments that Olivia cannot watch at the end. Michael is save after hiding but he sees Nina's body and sheds a tear for her which comes as a shock for an observer. The gang try the machine Nina gave them and finally they are able to contact with Michael. Michael then helps Walter remember all he needs to about the plan. We then learn Donald is September. Great episode and while I'm sad to see another death from a favourite character on the show I know it will be important for the final three episodes next year. Blaire Brown gave a great performance in her final speech and also the reveal at the end is surprising.

EPISODE GRADE: B+ (MVP: Blaire Brown)
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