Sex Is Zero (2002)
Not believable and not all that funny
23 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I get Asian humor but this didn't really do it for me. With characters just acting over the top during certain situations in order to try to be funny. It's basically a Korean version of "American Pie" or that is what it tries to be. But the humor in this is a bit more messed up sometimes. The movie doesn't have much of a plot just bunch of horny and overly perverted college students doing perverted things on campus. While one of the guy in the bunch that is a complete dork but has somewhat of a good heart falls for a popular girl in school played by Ha Ji-Won when her stardom basically began. And the girl falls for a popular tool and a prick. The problem with this movie is that it seemed more serious at times because of the direction and subject matter. Also adding to what few of the characters go through makes it a bit nerve wracking. Also the build up of the relationship between the two protagonists seem way to far from being believable and seemed a bit forced at times. If this movie went in a very abnormal direction intentionally the premise and characters might have worked probably but that isn't really the case. Sometimes few comedic moments and serious tone goes well but the direction that isn't the case, except maybe the last 10 minutes. Also besides few crude humor, when it comes to the main plot it's very predictable. If your expecting a very comedic teen comedy you might be disappointed. I give this movie a 4.3/10 overall with few points added because of Jin Jae-Young is in this and she is hot and her scenes stand out for a reason. Although her character doesn't add to the plot much. But she is hot in this and I should probably slap myself for that reason. Well movies like this is about sex appeal.

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