Review of Nadine

Nadine (1987)
Fun and very far from being the disaster most people think this is
9 January 2013
If watched in 1987 "Nadine" could be labeled as one terrible movie which only wasted time, energy, money and a good cast on a loose plot. But when one watches this now, one must see it in a different light. It's far from being bad. It's very cool actually. Take two attractive actors, make them as an unusual pair in between loving and hating each other, trying to survive dangerous people and thrilling situations, then you have a movie. And quite a short one (78 minutes).

What prevents "Nadine" of being found good by viewers relates in seeing who's involved in it and why they're stuck with such a heavily clichéd, flawed picture. Why Jeff Bridges and Kim Basinger would star in something like this, playing loud, talky, cheap characters who try to be smarter than smartness itself? Or why Academy Award winner Robert Benton would go forward in writing and directing such a strange project? The conclusion reached was that this was a way of doing something fun, a child's play. Hollywood indulging itself with plenty of fun in the making and hoping people notice that and perhaps enjoy it for what it is. In this department, as being a fun work, it succeeds despite the pros and cons. Today it's easier to make things like this and with better results ("Ocean's Eleven" is a living proof of this, a movie made among friends, very easy and it became quite profitable, going with two more sequels).

How come no one notices that in this film? It's not trying to convey messages or have a higher purpose, it's just a small entertainment, fine. It's the kind of story presented time and time again in countless pictures: Nadine (Basinger) testifies a murder, then she gets chased by people involved in it who want something she might have taken out from the victim, something that belongs to them. Endangered and with nothing better to do, she contacts her soon to be ex-husband (Bridges), a lousy bar owner drowned in debts and misunderstandings, who's desperately for divorcing his wife to marry his new girl (Glenne Headly) as fast as possible. Fun thing about this is seeing the story made in the 1950's, for whatever reasons.

Basinger and Bridges make a very exciting couple, they're pretty good together. Hearing their accents might be a problem to many, I think it's quite hilarious at parts. Not much of an intelligent, brilliantly written comedy, it just goes in presenting goofy situations and bright action sequences (final shootout is the best and also the bit with the snakes in the room). Final analysis: it never gets great as it could be and even gets weary in such short running time but it's an amusing film, well acted by everyone involved, and with a nice soundtrack. Let go of everything and just enjoy the show. It manages to save the day. 6/10
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