Tron: Uprising (2012–2013)
Tron Uprising
13 January 2013
Pros: Direction Animation Music Sound Voice acting Vehicles, machines, characters and location designs.

Cons: -Pretty darn dull computer civilization. The people from this world seems to just go to work and then to a club and then to work again and engage in mundane conversations. These people appears to have no hopes or dreams or gods or questions about their origins. Most of them seem to don't care about the bad guys occupying their cities and you see them even enjoying their games. -Pretty darn dull main character "The Renegade" -Pretty darn dull and unimaginative script. -Pretty darn dull, unimaginative and repetitive Kung-fu fighting. Apparently the only special ability the main character has is punching and kicking. I wish him and Tron could have a little of the "user power" shown by Clue in the original film to modify their surroundings for their advantage. Clue reassemble a recognizer in seconds in the original film.

I have watched the first 14 episodes so far and I will keep watching because I have high hopes that the series will get better. The directing, looks and the music are enough reasons for me to keep watching.
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