Dull and inconsistent....and a bit dumb.
17 January 2013
In "Quel maledetto giorno d'inverno... Django e Sartana all'ultimo sangue", Hunt Powers (Jack Betts) plays Django. Now, oddly, in this followup film, Powers plays Sartana!! This is really odd, as both films were from Demofilo Fidani (often nicknamed 'The Ed Wood of Spaghetti Westerns')!! You'd think he'd remember or care about who played who! Confusing, huh?! In Italian westerns, the producers played very fast and loose with the name 'Django' (in Fidani's, VERY loose). Following the success of the original "Django" (with handsome Franco Nero), other Italian filmmakers realized they could name ANYONE Django and the public might be fooled into thinking these other films here sequels--which they weren't! Now, to further confuse things, Tarantino has come out with a new film--"Django Unchained"--yet another film that has nothing to do with Django! Confused? I would certainly assume so!

Black Burt Keller and his gang abduct Jessica Colby after wiping out everyone else at her ranch. Django and Sartana follow these thugs into Mexico to rescue the lady and punish these baddies. Unfortunately, most of this film isn't very interesting. The plot described above isn't enough for the entire film and as a result, the film seems to meander a lot. On top of that, the just just isn't interesting at all and is full of poorly constructed scenes. My favorite bad scene is near the beginning. After the shooting begins on the ranch, ranch hands CONTINUE their work hauling things---just waiting to be shot!! A few do ride away, but one guy is hauling a basket and another a barrel---long after the baddies start shooting everyone. You'd THINK they'd hide or fight back but these knuckleheads keep working until (surprise) they are shot also. Duh.

By the way, on the DVD that contained this and "Django Meets Sartana", there is a '7 Gold' symbol in the bottom corner throughout the film and it's annoying. Also, an occasional yellow dot appears in the left corner--presumably to hide some other DVD producer's copyright symbol. This, combined with a faded print is one more reason to pass on this sub-par film.
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