Beautiful and Unsettling
10 February 2013
The Young Unknowns is a movie that: from the moment you become engaged in the characters; you're not quite sure how to take it all in. At no point throughout the entire film are you introduced to a likable character. For one reason or another, the moment you find a bit of sympathy for one of them, the next you're cursing them under your breath.

It's a "day in the life" sort of film and that's exactly what it is. It never justifies itself, it never blatantly follows any set "rules" of story progression; it doesn't have to. It literally feels like your a fly on the wall, not so much viewing a movie but peering into someones really f******* bad day.

Acting is good, cinematography is gorgeous, and it's got that 90's feel of drugs and despair. It's a good film, not along the lines of great, but it's good.
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