One Tough Cop (1998)
Betrayed By Speechifying and Stiff Setups
12 February 2013
Good performances can't quite save this Movie from a shallow and clichéd script in being much more than a standard good Cop with bureaucratic problems. Everything about this exercise in "based on a true story" story is thin and that keeps it from viewer investment and creative consummation.

There is a checklist of standard, gritty, crime solving with slim motivational backing. Laid out in front are the misunderstood macho, but sensitive, officer with a self-destructive partner in a corrupt system. He is unable to separate lifelong childhood friendships with Mobsters from professional duty.

This is the crux of this Crime Drama that is betrayed by speechifying and stiff setups. It is not a bad Movie, just one that demands more depth of insight and frankly, more involvement by the Writer and Director if they are to approach such a complicated scenario. Solving heinous crimes and the dismantling of a seasoned, successful law enforcement street Cop requires much more than this quickly moving and uneven attempt.
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