Review of Dream High

Dream High (2011–2012)
I got fascinated to this Korean drama
12 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I am not used to watch Asian dramas, I'm from Brazil and all I'm used are the TV shows from my country and some from Europe and the USA.

But I got curious to check a little more about a foreign country from the other side of the world.

When I first read some thoughts about this show I was expecting a story about six teenagers going into some trouble to get into an art school. But it goes far far away from that, in the very beginning I got a little upset about how things were taking place...

But in the middle things started to be clearer and I can say for sure it is not only about six young dreams coming true, but it is the path they follow with the help of their family, friends and teachers.

Yes, for me, the main plot of this TV show were the teachers, the students starts to follow what they believe and things happens not as we like in the middle, but as soon as it gets to the end you start to realize the values involved in everything.

I am fascinated about what I just watched, I never wrote a review before because nothing has really touched me like I felt right now when I saw the ending.

It is millions of time worth it to watch, you will see some of the Korean society cultures involved, you'll see some dreams coming true, others getting lost in their way, and most important, you'll see people rebuilding their path because they believe it is possible to dream and pursuit the happiness thru the realization of their dream.

And I have to confess, everything is sooooo different from what I was used to, like if I'm not wrong, you'll see only four kisses, a very nice ones, very subtle and very beautiful... and you'll see a lot of crying and tears (like those I have right now)... and this is something I don't understand, why so many tears? This is something I don't see in dramas around here, but it might has a strong meaning for Koreans, because it is probably in every single episode.

Once again, if you want to get touched, if you want to understand values of life, and of course, if you love music, you have to watch this, I promise, if you're a human being, it will touch you somehow.

Enjoy and my best wishes for those who made this drama available.
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