come and see the greatest living Italian actor
2 March 2013
In this movie there are certain minor nuances that you won't probably notice unless you are a well-read and informed Italian citizen. Forget about it: even if you don't have total knowledge of the scenario depicted, this won't stop you from enjoying this funny, surprising story (and furthermore, for all of us living outside the USA, it is not the same with every single baseball or football flick?).

The sky is the ceiling for the acting abilities of Mr. Toni Servillo, who plays the main role. The man is so good, it looks like he could be able to play all the roles in "War and Peace" by himself at the same time: and with good makeups and costumes, I bet he could. Most of the movie is constantly played around the closeups of his face: and it's a good idea, as this guy is able to switch personality just turning his head, or blinking his eyes. Even the other actors and actresses of the cast are very good, with a special mention for Valerio Mastandrea, whose character is the dazed and confused witness of the disaster he creates. The silent gazes he throws around while his world of relations is crumbling down reminded me more than one time the classic comedy of the great Totò.

So, I strongly suggest to go watch this movie to enjoy those great acting performances - no need to know anything about Italian politics: even because, to be honest, given the outcome of the 2013 elections, nobody here can tell for sure anymore where's the difference between reality and fantasy.
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