Wildly Entertaining
3 March 2013
Wreck it Ralph is kid friendly at its core and as an added plus equally entertaining to adult. All you can ask for in child entertainment is firstly, a movie or animation that is not overly violent for know apparent reason. Secondly, there should be a clear point that the children can connect too, in perhaps the form of a life lesson, the size of the lesson or point is irreverent at this point. Thirdly, for God's sake the movie or animation should be able to keep an adults interest; albeit barley!

Wreck it Ralph not only was a bona fide hit but my niece and nephew loved the very fact that is was based on video games. My niece loved the character Vanellope, voiced by none other than Sarah Silverman. Whereas my nephew thought Wreck it Ralph was, to use his words "A good Guy-Not bad guy" yes, he really liked Wreck it Ralph. John C. Reilly, did an outstanding voice over job as The Ralph personality, I sat through the movie trying to put the voice to a Hollywood face.

However, I would be remiss if I failed to take a shot at Brave winner of the "best animated feature" I guess marketing wins over substance. I asked my niece and nephew, whom they preferred, hands down Wreck it Ralph won by a land slide. Furthermore, having performed this rather unscientific poll, I can only assume that a.) Wreck it Ralph came out to late b.) Brave had a massive campaign push that gave it the Oscar edge c.) The Academy dropped the ball yet again. If past evidence has any weight, I whole heartedly believe option C is the most viable option.

Wreck it Ralph was entertaining and taught the little ones that there is more going on then what is on the surface. My niece and nephew, if any indication, loved this movie, and I too think this is a must watch of child and adult alike.
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