Heading Out (2013)
So Far So Bad - Got better, but overall a mixed bag
8 March 2013
Perkins gets the TV sitcom nod and wink, no questions asked, from the increasingly cronyistic BBC. Straight to BBC2 with no pilot, so she's certainly settled in well in the secluded labyrinths of Broadcasting House.

That's not to say the lady doesn't have some comic talent or that she would be doomed to write a turkey. The likelihood that she'd create something half decent was quite strong in fact, with her respected wit and intelligence. But two episodes in and we are questioning whether we've over praised her in calling her the female Stephen Fry so soon.

Bits of this sitcom have had some flashes of intelligent humour but way too much has been unoriginal to say the least. She's opted for a modern off centre comedy style referencing films and pop culture in the style of Spaced but it's so close to it that it looks more like plagiarism than influence.

The narrative has been butchered seemingly in favour of making the scenes stand out, but of course this rarely works unless you're the Cohen Bros. and even then makes the narrative a very bumpy ride. Sorry, I can't say much good about this sitcom yet, but we do have four episodes left to watch. I fear they've already been written though and it's too late to save the amiable Ms Perkins' sitcom writing career.

PS The sitcom opened with a long scene starring a dead cat! Look no further than this for an omen of its future.
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