Red Widow (2013)
Red Widow - Overall Basic Summary (So Far)
1 April 2013
So here it is, fine. I return to the IMDb, after some months -- or is it years?? Planning to make comments about a specific "Red Widow," character (irwin). But then the, IMHO, totally inaccurate ratings score, for the whole series, so far?? its bogus. It caught my attention. And what was that number??..I FREAKED OUT!!, lol! Because, WTF?? Reason??: the IMDb rating/score, was way too low!! Again, because, IMHO, this TV series is not anything less than AWESOME!! Newbies? Do NOT believe the seemingly eligible or the hype, that the moms demographic, is true! It is NOT!!.. And it's not their fault, OK.?? Because, maybe yes, I'm just a random video participating human movie director/producer who could use - in a gazillion different ways - a ratings boost? Fine. But plz. don't judge me & also pray the sincerity my super sincere coaches is easily revealed.
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