Alfred Hitchcock Presents: The Young One (1957)
Season 3, Episode 9
Extraordinary Performance By a Young Carol Lynley!!
30 April 2013
It is amazing that Carol Lynley, at just 15 and in only her 4th TV appearance, should give such a rounded, multi faceted performance of a very troubled girl. Unlike another reviewer, I found the tension there from the start as Janice's - "the young one" - high spirits just cannot hide a mounting hysteria. Instead of hanging out at the Soda Shoppe, she prefers to spend her time at the Woolley Bear, a local dive, and also getting exasperated at the manager who insists on serving her lemonade!!

She catches the eye of a moody drifter (Vince Edwards, before he became "Ben Casey") but even he finds her too much of a handful. She is determined to leave this town and if her wimpy boyfriend won't help, maybe Edwards will. Her dream is to flee this dreary 'burb and she will let nothing stop in her way - especially not her aunt who she describes as a tyrant but turns out to be just a worried older woman. Janice's scenes with her aunt who is caring and very concerned for the well being of her troubled niece will make you realise there is something very wrong with Janice.
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