The last stand I really couldn't stand
19 May 2013
Now I know there are many many Arnold fans in movie land, and they will support and praise anything Arnold is in, but really...you have got to be kidding me. I hate to be the kill joy on this one, but this movie was nothing short of just plain terrible. So where do I begin...first how about the most transparent storyline ever, if you haven't got the entire plot figured out after five minutes better check your pulse. Then they tried to inject humor into the movie with corn ball character actor Johnny Knoxville, who is nothing short of ridiculous in his role. Then they try and make the bad guys so bad that reality is just not an option, which I felt further drove this movie into the tank. The endless car chases, shoot em-up scene after scene became dull and boring. Last but not least is that regardless of the odds and despite numerous injuries you know all along that Arnold was going to get his man and walk happily into the sunset. I know that this wasn't intended to be a serious movie, but it also wasn't intended to be a comedy either, so what was it? I guess what it really was is a waste of talent and a flawed but hopefully not critical comeback for one of the most beloved movie giants.
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