Review of Umshini Wam

Umshini Wam (2011)
"I'm old enough to crack a brick in your teeth while you sleep"
27 May 2013
Love Harmony Korine or hate him, it's hard to imagine many other filmmakers who could successfully make a short film with Die Antwoord. Infant terrible Korine is known for making strange and twisted films that polarize audiences and critics alike. South- African rap-rave group Die Antwoord are somewhat similar; their music and music videos are often mad (see their recent video for 'I Fink U Freeky') and cause people to love and hate them in equal measure.

'Umshini Wan' tells the story of two South African wannabe gangsters played by Die Antwoord's Ninja and Yo Landi, who ride around the suburbs in two shoddy wheelchairs, wearing day- glo yellow and pink onesies, ironically wanting to "be taken seriously".

Both players fare surprisingly well – considering that this is their first real foray into the film world – and deliver solid and engaging performances with effortless chemistry. If you are a newcomer to the weird world of Harmony Korine there is a fair chance that this short might confuse you; it is not as strange as some of his previous work, but it is still considerably strange nonetheless. However whether you are a fan of Korine, Antwoord or both, this is a highly enjoyable 15 minutes that is unexpectedly touching, even with its offbeat and slightly twisted nature.
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