Review of Luv

Luv (2012)
8 June 2013
I was so disturbed by this film. Why was it even made? As an African American woman, we often hear "support our own". Well I find it a hard slap cross the face when I do and this is what's delivered. An uncle takes his young nephew out into the world, and this poor child is exposed to the street life. The acting was good so this film was believable. The biggest problem was that not one adult in the film had a problem exposing this young kid. I'm still trying to figure out, who was that target audience. My son who is 9 yrs old, was so afraid of the violence that he asked me to turn it off. That's what's wrong with our youth today, exposed to too much violence. I kept hoping that I could find some sort of message but sadly it ended. I pray that the producers of this film go back to the table and put out some positive material because with the wonderful cast they had in this movie, they certainly have the resources.
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