How could anyone rate this movie other than awful?
16 June 2013
This movie is about a boy who is kidnapped by this father and returned to his Arab kingdom where his father claims the boy will be the new heir to the tribe. I have watched a lot of "B" movies before, and can usually find some redeeming value in them, but this movie, I had to stop after 45 minutes or so. The performances were so awful, and yet some reviewers said it was the best performance of each actor's career. I don't understand that at all. I am sad that Eliott Gould would have given such a terrible performance. I expect it from Rutger Hauer. He's done some stinkers over the years, and some good films. I thought Gould was better than that. Actually, it is like each actor is reading their lines from a teleprompter as if each were told at the outset, "read your lines in the most monotone voice possible". Rutger Hauer is kidnapped at gunpoint, beaten, taken before the child's mother, and immediately agrees to find the kid. I really feel like I wasted part of my life on this movie and I deeply regret it. It sucks!!!!!
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