The worst film I've seen this year. And I've seen Olympus Has Fallen.
4 July 2013
There's a great novel by Perceval Everett called Erasure in which a black academic, for his own idle amusement, writes a deliberately offensive and obnoxious "ghetto" novella peopled entirely by dreadful lowlife thieves and drug dealers. Predictably the book becomes a hit with white critics and audiences.

This repellent film put me in mind of it. The 2 protagonists are a pair of obnoxious thieves and drug dealers. Not even 20 minutes has elapsed before the female character has stolen a kid's phone and the other is shoveling someone's goods into his pockets just minutes after being admitted to their apartment.

But hey! It's okay, they are "charming" and "likeable" – they're graffiti artists so that makes them creative types so it's all okay! I'm not entirely sure but I think this is supposed to be a comedy. It isn't. The protagonists do nothing but bellow profanities at each other.

Apparently the film was shot over 21 days. I would cry very few tears indeed if that fate befell everyone involved in this junk.
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