Man of Steel (2013)
Typical Nolan movie - preachy and good-looking, but no heart
5 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The visual side of this movie is certainly worthy of praise. The world of Krypton and the destructive scenes later on are well done.

But Nolan strikes me as a filmmaker who hates anything that's not 100% serious, yet he takes on superhero movies and sets to remove everything about them that made them, well, "super". Nothing is allowed to be fun in this movie, the colours of emotions are always on the dark side. This just gets depressing after a while.

Russell Crowe's character in the spaceship gives this monologue that is such an excuse for exposition that I actually thought to myself, "This is not a character. This is just the script giving Superman information." All the Nolan clichés are here - characters just happen to find themselves in the right place at the right time, because the script decreed so. That potentially very useful spaceship in the icecaps is completely forgotten by the time the heroes really need it. Loads of people die and this is no cause for any kind of reflection or redemption. And the climax just confused me - after an extraordinarily elaborate battle scene, it ended so abruptly that I had to ask my friend what had happened.

Nolan, if superheroes are not your thing, please stop making movies about them. Stick to the overly-serious, intellectual stuff and leave the fun stuff to others, please.
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