Paper Heart (2009)
This movie is trying to be something it's not.
10 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie, thinking I'd be watching a documentary about love, moreover it doesn't hurt that Michael Cera is in it. I usually really enjoy his movies. However I was left feeling very disappointed and cheated. I really do not believe for one second that Michael and Charlyne were ever dating. For starters Charlyne is an extremely bad actress and how convenient is it not that they meet, just as they started this documentary and we get to witness their "relationship" growing? The whole thing feels fake and set up. We have Nick insisting (in a very too obvious way) that he wants to catch everything on tape. I am left wondering what it is he is hoping to catch? At no point do we witness anything between Michael and Charlyne! There is no chemistry, no spark. It's all awkward (a bit too forced and indie if you ask me) and even their first kiss feels forced. As a director, if their relationship was real, Nick should have seen this and pulled the plug on going in that direction. This movie is about finding love and trying to figure out what love is. Yet the only thing it focuses on is a really bad "relationship". Charlyne & Nick travel around, and interview people, yet we don't really get any answers. I feel that the right questions have not been asked. They even go to Paris, "The city of love". Why don't we see anything from there? All we see is Charlyne walking around. Why aren't there any interviews? Why haven't they tried to find out what love is there? It makes absolutely no sense to keep on focusing on Michael and Charlyne when in Paris. Charlyne seems sweet but she lacks charisma, she's obviously awkward and shy (not in a good way) and doesn't shine through. We follow her through a whole movie and we never get to see the true her. How can that be a good choice for a leading person? Michael (and Nick at times) does all the fun things, he is his usual quirky self, which also makes you wonder how real this all is. These "romantic" moments feel forced and acted unfortunately, and I never see any true signs of attraction between those 2. The ending leaves you with a sense of confusion and meaninglessness. I feel that I have wasted my time, this movie is all cute anecdotes and doesn't ask or try to go further in the question of what love is. I feel a great let down, because I usually love Nick and Michael tremendously.
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