Nicely done!
13 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Well, the first thing I have to get off my mind is to say, "Mirror, Mirror, on the wall, you need glasses." Kristen Stewart is not close to being as beautiful as Charlize Theron. I'm not saying Stewart is some kind of ugly vampire or wolf creature, but geez...she's relatively average.

Having said that, this film is pretty entertaining. And, in some places, rather foreboding (for example, some of the scenes in the dark forest!). And in other places very lovely. The CGI contributes to the story, rather than overshadowing the story, as is so often the case now-a-days (although I wasn't too keen on the "black-shard-men" toward the climax.

The story doesn't quite follow the story-line we were all familiar with as kids. It's actually much better, although it is still the good against evil saga.

The key here is the acting. The let-down here for me was Kristen Stewart as Snow White. I'm sorry, but I am no more impressed with her here than I was in the Twilight films. I'm just not buying into her as a leading actress. And it's not because I don't like the Twilight films...although I don't. But I am finding Robert Pattinson to be a relatively promising young actor, and even Taylor Lautner has some charisma.

On the other hand, Charlize Theron seems to be the actress who pretty much do no wrong now. I've yet to see a bad performance by her, and here she is so good...though so evil. She's a stunning beauty, as well.

Chris Hemsworth as the Huntsman was okay here. I need to see him in something else before I can make any overall judgment of his acting ability. But, for the most part, he doesn't appear in my kind of films.

On the dwarf side, rather interesting caricatures. Of course, Ian McShane is very good, as is Bob Hoskins. But I think the standout here is Toby Jones.

I give this film a very solid "7", and recommend it.
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