Castle: Flowers for Your Grave (2009)
Season 1, Episode 1
This show is a charmer and good for a chuckle!
13 July 2013
More than a typical cop show! It's leads are perfectly matched, they go together like Hepburn & Tracy or Loy &Powell. The synergy is there..

I originally tried the first episode because I wanted to see Susan Sullivan again. What a pleasant surprise to find a group of actors so finely matched to their roles.. Every one is a great match.

The cases are varied and different. The timing is good. In other words, the writing and direction are a giant step above the average. And as a bonus, there's the delight in a good chuckle or pun or imaginative twist (supplied by Castle) in every episode. And why can't a police drama combine humor, a touch of romance. It can and CASTLE does. Bravo!
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