so it's a comedy show with porn starts
19 July 2013
Yea it's funny, I saw Pauly in Burbank, now that was funny, the songs we could all do without, the stage band was good. This show could do with less silly songs from funny comics and more comedy from comics. He missed the mark on the porn stars be Olsen OK big star. But watch the final "rock band" with the tranny singing one of the dancers... The one they show the least... Heather Vandeven if you don't know who she is Penthouse pet of the year..literally and the woman is gorgeous, and deserves at least I acknowledgment... how do you start a show with the first scene at Vegas porn convention and have penthouse pet of the year doing back up dancing for a no name band and never pot the camera on her he gets a total of 8sec on camera. Pauly if your reading this you dropped the ball on that one.. unless you were scared she might be more of a star. She has done more movie, you have had more face time, buy she has a action figure.
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