Funny, bizarre, pointless in a good way
22 July 2013
After reading a few reviews about this and seeing the cast, how could this be a bad film? I wasn't expecting any of it. Mostly the film was funny and had some really odd segments which break the usual viewing experience which i found kept me watching the whole way through.

all of the acting in this film is pretty spot on with what is going on, seeing some actors well out of their usual roles really sold the characters to me. Make no mistake however, the film i found was pointless. It switches its character so many times by the half way mark you really don't know what to expect next which i found was the charm of the whole film. Stuff happens, it gets resolved and its all well done in the process. I have to say for a blind pick film this film is something you have to watch to get what i mean with its bizarre nature. Im not sure what message its supposed to be giving, what the film is actually about but all loose ends are tied up . . . what actually happened near the end? I thought it was a good film.
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