Pacific Rim (2013)
No matter how many times you remake Independence Day...
27 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers doesn't get better. I do like "ID4" but sci-fi writers looking for a plot keep stealing from it. They may not even realize they're doing it on a conscious level. I recently reviewed "Oblivion" which also borrows from "ID4." What I'm complaining about is this nuclear endgame that always pops up. It's become this deux ex machina that solves everything (and no, a nuclear reactor that melts down does not result in a nuclear explosion, as this film's homepage points out). Also, PR rips off the "hive mind" idea (and even calls it the same thing) from ID4. Remember the scene in ID4 where the president's mind is linked with the alien pilot's and he discovers their secret plan? Again, directly ripped off by Pacific Rim.

But really, all this thievery's not a big deal as long as the story that surrounds it is sound. But PR is a mess. It never makes up its mind how seriously it wants to be taken. No character is interesting, or even very likable. At least ID4 had Will Smith and Jeff Goldblum odd couple to inject comedy into the proceedings, especially the ending. What's so unique (still) about ID4 is how the world comes together with existing technology (and old school strategies like morse code) to scrap with and beat the technologically advanced aliens. PR wants you to believe that in a few years we would have the technology to build these giant man-controlled robots operated through a mind-meld. What a mess.

I will say that the fight scenes and CGI of Pacific Rim are commendable. That said, though, it's not enough. Filmmakers aren't even making films any more. they're making cartoons. This is a whole other subject but--there is a reason that these horror movies are coming along and burying the big-budget "tentpole" films studios parade out during the summer. The horror genre is still rooted in the basic elements of filmmaking: shot selection and editing. An audience wants to get emotionally involved. They're not impressed by computer-generated monsters any more. A film is story, camera angles, revelation, lighting, music, character, editing. Nothing's ever going to change that.
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