Moments of sheer brilliance mixed with B movie cheese
23 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Make for a giddy ride. Yes, it's entertaining, except when it is bogged down in angst and drawn out dialog. And the series might have a future for a night of great tongue lashing barbs with friends through each scene of excruciating MST3K "romantic" acting. Anyone can make fun of this series, but art least it's bringing the Pre-Raphs to life, and that's the fun of it. I'd even go so far as to say some of the supposedly sexy scenes are highly laughable and may make anyone brought up in America with cable in the 80s possibly even bust into a belly laugh. The sexuality here in Desperate romantics could have been more along the sensual and provocative lines of that filmed in say Lady Chatterly's Lover, or the Mists of Avalon, & etc; but with its romping is more like some exploitation film from the 70s or 80s about the Pre-Raphaelites.

Even Rome and Game of Thrones, are successful though gratuitous and ridiculous in their own fashion, but at least they rarely make you question their veracity the way this series can. Anyone who enjoys Pre- Raphaelite artwork and knows about the passionate ways the Pre-Raphaelites lived and how they were the most popular painters of their day, knows a great deal was missed out on that would have made this so much better that has nothing to do with effete-art snobbery and everything to do with telling a darn good story, which was already there, and which great story of the ages is alarmingly lacking. I'm fine with that, because it means a great movie can still be in the works with more 'brightstar' & the piano type of Jane Campion director approach. The actor playing Dante has a lot of work ahead of him, and we shall see how it goes after the Hobbit. The costumes are beautiful.
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