Upside Down (I) (2012)
23 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I was particularly intrigued as to why the movie made so little money as recorded on IMDb. The trailer looked fascinating with its awesome special effects art. After watching the film, however, I understand why it did so poorly.

What frustrates me the most is that you have suspense and a good amount of tension built up throughout the story up until the end. Then it was like everything was dropped. Ideas. Imagination. Everything.

Okay, so we have a main character that lives on the 'below' poor world and his girl-to-be lives in the 'above' rich one. And the law states (the reason is never explained adequately)they are not supposed to mingle, talk etc. But of course they do and fall in love, despite being shot, falling, losing their memories, etc. etc.

The main character is ingenious and he figures out ways to get 'up there' without being caught, until the end when he is, and he 'loses everything'.

So at that point I figured the hero would figure out a way to solve his problems, maybe fight back a little and win SOMETHING for him and his world. But no, he gives up and retreats to his poor shoddy house. But hey, there's always the minor character who figures a way for her to come down to him, and so everything is ... is...


I want to scream, "Where is the climax?" Beautiful art work only goes so far in a movie like this. Without a satisfying ending where the main character does something to overcome, it just falls flat. And this one certainly did. Oh yes, they left the door open for things yet to come (especially since she is somehow pregnant with twins), but I have no intention of seeing it to learn what happened. If the first movie doesn't deliver, then I can hardly think of how the second one will.
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