Review of Combustion

Combustion (2013)
a very refreshing movie
22 September 2013
i have to say that this movie blew my expectations away. everything happening here took me by surprise, all the twists and turns i did not expect. who ever says this is a cheap reproduction of the fast and furious is dead wrong. besides that there are luxurious cars and races included, i must say that the story is more likely to be digested than the f&f scenarios. who ever did not watch this movie, do not take into consideration the score on IMDb, the ones who voted must be pimpled face play station games and high octane fantasy car movie fans. don't forget this movie didn't benefit from world wide frenzied commercials like f&f did, but still managed to raise the budget to put some fast cars in it. i gave it a 10...too bad it wont help the 4.8 avg grade for this movie.
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