"You see them in the hotels, the best hotels, every day . . . "
20 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
" . . . by the thousands, drinking the money, eating the money, losing the money at bridge, playing all day and all night, smelling of money." This quote, from SHADOW OF A DOUBT director Alfred Hitchcock's stand-in character in the actual feature, Uncle Charles--a.k.a., the "Merry Widow Killer"--(played by Joseph Cotten) is repeated in this extra, "BEYOND DOUBT: THE MAKING OF HITCHCOCK'S FAVORITE FILM," to drive home the point that DOUBT really IS (or was) Hitch's Fave because it best drove home his most important precept: Husbands, you better enjoy every penny of your assets while you're alive (preferably with your wife), because if you don't, your widow will squander every hard-earned cent you ever "pinched" however she d&$@ well pleases! Hitch always emphasized that life is unfair, most especially to the Do-Gooders who try to level the playing field and restore a modicum of sanity, such as Uncle Charles. Does this would-be Robin Hood, skimming the cream of ill-gotten gains to devote to his more rational philanthropic purposes, get any thanks for his risky business plan? Watch the feature to find out.
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