Total Utter Crap
8 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Gather the worst Eastenders Characters, add a few extras from proper British films. Put them together and what have you got. This pile of sh*t. Boring from the offset, rubbish script and really poor acting. Why certain cast members have lowered themselves to film this rubbish is be on me. Surely they can't be that skint. I would rather be homeless than have my name and face associated with this film. Lack of humour and lack of grit. Maybe the odd female may like it and without being prejudice I would say the GAY sector may enjoy this film. I would be embarrassed to release such crap. I could have done better with my little girls camcorder. I was even more disappointed that fat Ev wasn't in the film. It may have made it more interesting if Fat Ev and Tulissa were to have an x-rated steamy lesbian love affair. I may have given the film 2 stars. My overall advice is Please Don't Waste 91 Minutes Of Your Life Like I Did.
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