After Earth (2013)
Ignore the critics on this one...go and see it.
28 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, I was looking forward to this movie in the summer. However, after I read so many hating on this one, I figured that I might as well forget about it. I did not like The Last Airbender, and so I figured that this one would also disappoint.

I was wrong, and I am glad we rented it.

I was so wrong to pay attention to the critics who blasted any liking for this movie. So from now on, I will make up my own mind.

The acting was NOT wooden. Here you have a military family, acting to protect their own. Humans are in a constant state of stress to protect their own kind, so why would they be relaxed and easy-going? They wouldn't. I think father and son did an excellent job of acting throughout this movie. Both...father...AND...son, mind you.

The over-riding theme of this movie is one that takes a boy, who suffered great loss in the past, learns to conquer his fears while up against tremendous odds. There is reason to fear any and every thing that wants to kill you. But in order to survive, you have to conquer your fear. It also helps a father to recognize the good in his son, whom he partly blames for the loss their family suffered. This is realistic and portrayed well.

The plot and story were well-presented, the pacing was quick and riveting, and the climax more than satisfactory. There were even touching scenes, like when the over-sized bird saved the boy's life. The boy suffered while trying to save himself and his father, and through the adventure he grew into a man. So the transition was complete by the end of the movie.

While I watched the movie, I kept expecting the other shoe to drop. You know, some proof that supported why this was such a terrible movie. But I found nothing. Acting-check. Special effects-check. Plot-check. Tension and suspense-check. Ending-check. It made me wonder if everyone else saw the same movie that I did.

So for those who read myriad of critics and think it's not worth your time, think again. There's too much hatin' going on with this movie. I think it's well worth a watch, and I am adding it to my keeper list.
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