BLACK Nativity
9 December 2013
For one I can't believe such racial titles and movies are even allowed these days. Secondly - the same cast/crew that did this movies past movies have bombed beyond belief so - WHY is everyone shocked?

This is certainly no surprise.

Let's actually take a moment to analyze this...

1) The obviously unnecessary racist title - REALLY guys? The very ones always stating "let the past go", etc is the ones who keep bringing it up and even throwing into the title of a movie - major shock there. Where's Asian Nativity, Caucasian Nativity? Oh that's right, that would be a law suit.

2)Casting - Jennifer Hudson? PUKE!!!! she can't even sing much less act. Mary J? SAME THING hahahaha she has what 2 good songs and trying to act? PUKE AGAIN!!!! and yeah the list goes on and on.

Just reason after reason for disaster on this abomination of a wannabe movie.
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