" I started at the Bottom and worked my way down "
20 December 2013
A novel written by E.Phillip Oppenheim and directed by Alfred Zeisler became the basis of this funny, quirky movie which has been redone many times. The book was entitled 'The Amazing Adventure of Ernest Bliss' and appeared on the silver screen as " The Amazing Adventure. " The simple story is that of a gentleman name of Ernest Bliss (Cary Grant) who due to his multi Millionaire status finds himself completely bored with his life. Unable to understand why, seeks the advice of Sir James Alroyd (Peter Gawthorne) a good friend and prominent doctor. The physician explains that Bliss is bored because he has money and too much leisure time on his hands. Betting Bliss cannot live without his bankroll, challenges him to try and live without it for one whole year. A challenge Bliss accepts for 50,000 pounds. Thus with the bet in hand, the life of poverty is hard and becomes extremely difficult as the months begin to add up. This film is one of the first movies made in 1936 by Grant and soon establishes him as a great Thespian. Mary Brian plays Frances Clayton as his love's interest. The movie also is difficult in several other ways, the hardest of which is, it's in Black and White and of poor screen quality. However if you're a Cary Grant fan which I am, you'll find it amusing enough to watch it through. Recommended to all his fans. ****
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