23 December 2013
I just went to see this at the cinema. It was like watching a really shitty pantomime with decent actors. I felt like crying for all the wrong reasons. I swear if there's anything Matt Lucas, Simon Bird, Jonny Vegas or all the other actors starring in this trashy crap will ever regret in their careers, it will definitely be this. There were occasional moments of adult (well at least supposed to be) humour that just wasn't funny. To be fair, it was the only thing that I could watch at my frankly crappy cinema at the time I wanted. I could've left halfway through it was so bad. It was also poorly directed and the set wasn't particularly good. The only thing I've ever sat and watched worse than that film was either a pantomime or paint dry. I know it's for kids but seriously? It was so immature, I reckon a baby in a cot wouldn't even giggle at it. Also, after about 15 minutes of crappy humour the cast just end up looking lost on set, any so-called 'jokes' wouldn't be funny in the slightest outside of the UK and the musical numbers were about as funny as watching a stone. If I could put 0/10 I would -_-.
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