Review of Reckless

Reckless (1995)
Meandering Christmas dream-like dark comedy .......
10 January 2014
Mia Farrow is terrific as the runaway mom who slides out a window on Christmas Eve, after her husband contracts a hit-man to kill her. Thus begins a Christmas "black comedy" that ranks way up there on the strange scale. Farrow's predicament doesn't seem to alter her always pleasant and forgiving disposition. There are at least a bunch of messages hidden throughout the chaotic storyline that unfolds. Scott Glenn takes Farrow home to live with his paraplegic wife, Mary Louise Parker, where all three do an excellent job of keeping dark secrets from each other. The remainder of the film is a series of random events, that do little to crystallize the bizarre goings on. "Reckless" would best be appreciated by the "midnight movie" crowd, to whom it seems perfectly suited. Perhaps a midnight Christmas Eve showing? - MERK
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