THE RETURN TO REASON {Short} (Man Ray, 1923) **
12 January 2014
This is the first (read: earliest) of 4 Man Ray efforts in the AVANT- GARDE: EXPERIMENTAL CINEMA OF THE 1920s AND '30s 2-Disc collection from Kino and, at a mere 2 minutes, also the shortest among them (indeed on the entire set).

Basically, it plays like a dry-run for the subsequent EMAK-BAKIA aka LEAVE ME ALONE (1927), since a few key moments (that is to say, abstract images) are replicated wholesale within it! The meaning of the film's title, then, is anybody's guess...but I cannot end this review without saying that Man Ray contrives to end it on shots of a naked woman (which necessitated me to log into my "You Tube" account to access it)!
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