Review of Tiger Claws

Tiger Claws (1992)
Ummm... Where is the Pay-Off???
25 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Disappointing. This movie is sub-par for a B-movie action flick. I was excited to see Tiger Claws since I love Bolo and Rothrock, but man this movie just flat out sucked my enthusiasm for the genre right out of me. It was so bad that I may never watch another Jalal Mehri film ever again. This is the second Mehri movie that I watched and both were pretty sad. The first was TC 2000 which was saved by Billy Blanks, Bolo and the unbelievably beautiful Bobbie Philips.

In Tiger Claws the acting is weak across the board. When Cynthia Rothrock is the best thespian in the cast you know you are in for a rough ride. Mehri of course is deadpan with no personality or charisma. Bolo is great as the villain but really just lurks around until the fight scene finale.

As far as the plot goes, it is similar to Blood Moon where some greatly skilled martial artist is killing all the big time celebrity and champion martial artists around town. Mid-way through the movie you learn that it is Bolo. Rothrock and Mehri are the detectives who find out that the killer practices Tiger Claw Kung Fu and track down his dojo.

All is well and good but you know what blows about the story line? You never find out why Bolo is killing everyone. They never give a motive. Where's the pay-off? Even on Scooby Doo you find out the antagonist's motives. At least with Blood Moon you find out that the killer was DQ'ed from an MMA tournament and wanted to kill all the participants (though you never find out why he has two prosthetic fingers).

Finally, the opening scene will throw you. Rothrock working vice dressed as prostitute with a black wig and sunglasses also sporting huge implants. During the scene I was wondering who the hot chick was, she looked fine. Then she walked down an alley where the rapist followed and she opened up her karate on him. After the fight was over she took off her glasses and wig and what do you know it was Cynthia Rothrock. I had no idea, this is the first movie that I had seen of hers where she is augmented. Nice.

As far as the overall movie though, it does stink. I love the No Retreat No Surrenders and the Hong Kong stuff that Rothrock has done but this Jalal Mehri took a decent premise and some good character actors and basically crapped the bed. Even the fight scenes are weak. Watch this movie only if you're a die hard Bolo or Rothrock fan. The middle 30 minutes slow and boring, so much that I found myself checking email and playing Dragon City on my Nexus... not a good sign.
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