Ax Men (2008– )
Worth 10 AXES
16 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
If only alligators were born with a set of wings and hid in the branches of trees – now THAT would be the perfect TV show – ever. I started watching, "Ax Men" very early in the morning, and just like any other 'Reality TV Show', I found this 'original?' show to be buried deep in a ton of redundancy. Normally, I would not be able to stomach watching such twaddle, but the reruns come on at 2:00 AM – making it the best thing available at that time. I guess you could call, "Ax Men", entertaining. This kind of show embraces a unique form of 'folksyness,' while serving up generous helpings of gruffness and profanity. Pardon the 'spoiler alert', and - it will spoil it for you if you read any farther - but every week, the show can be summed up as follows: a bunch of guys get in trucks, swearing at each other, and talking loud; while transiting to the cut site they swear at each other and swear about the rough ride; once at the site, they select target trees, while swearing at one another and the chosen trees; they fall out of trees a lot and manage to swear at one another and about falling…and finally, each program is closed out with an end-of-the-week cliff-hanging swear-session. I am sure I missed something, but whatever it was, it was definitely inconsequential. So why did I give this show such hi marks? Who knows.
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