Coffin Rock (2009)
Not worth your time
27 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not a fan of Wolf Creek so the proud boast that this was done by the same people was not exactly a selling point for me. I thought I'd give it a go anyway because the reviews seemed reasonable. That was a mistake and I definitely wont be rushing to see anything else made by this guy. Fortunately I was skipping sections by about half way through and I gather from reading reviews afterwards that this meant I missed the slaughter of the kangaroo scene. I'm pleased about that but to the reviewer who thought it was real, yes we have a "humane society" and NO it would not have been real. You would not get away with mistreating an animal on film in Australia. Anyway - to the movie. It was dull & predictable. It dragged on and on with very little happening. There is no horror or suspense or anything. Just a bunch of irritating people annoying each other and the viewer. THe lead female actor over-acted so badly it was ridiculous and I wanted to slap that constant hysterical over-the-top behaviour right out of her. On the other hand she didn't have a great script to work with so perhaps she was over-compensating. I was also a bit dumb-founded by some of the character decisions. For example, your mate has serious burns to large sections of his body so do you race him to the nearest hospital to save his life and stop his suffering? Of course not. No, you stick him in the back of your car, drive to your house and leave him groaning in agony/dying in the car so you can take time out to yell abuse at your wife.... Really? And at the end of the film he's clearly shown as the good guy at the poor burnt bastards funeral while the wife is shunned. LMAO Funny set of values they got in that town. It was horrible. Don't bother.
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