Review of The Terror

The Terror (1963)
"For a ghost, she's a very active young woman."
27 April 2014
Jack Nicholson plays a French soldier who becomes lost and meets a mysterious woman but she disappears into the ocean. Then there's some stuff with a bird and an old woman. Then Jack finds the castle of Boris Karloff where he sees the girl again. Boris and his servant act like they don't know what he's talking about but Jack is persistent. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense and the plot is a mess but it's still very interesting and hard to stop watching. This is a rather famous Roger Corman movie that has several different urban legends surrounding its production, most of which boil down to this: Corman was cheap so he used leftover sets and/or leftover budget from The Raven to film this one quickly. Whatever the truth is, it's a fascinating movie with many obvious flaws that it manages to overcome and still be an entertaining film. Great opening credits, too.
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