Injustice Israeli Style
7 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
To those that say "there are two sides to this conflict". I say, that thinking reminds me of "who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?" The movie is quite disturbing. Children are hauled off in the middle of the night and arrested. A man is shot and killed in front of your own eyes during what appeared to be another non-violent protest. Jewish settlers are allowed to steal land by building a structure and claim land as their own. When Palestinians try to use the same law, the structure is torn down and violence is used against them. Essentially what you have is a modern army, with young soldiers that are allowed to shoot to kill and maim against unarmed yelling civilians. It starts with Palestinians protesting and "yelling loudly" at the Israeli soldiers. They yell at them to have a conscience but unfortunately the some soldiers don't have a conscience and start firing. The soldiers then fire tear gas canisters (maybe a 100 or so) and fire a few bullets into the smoke for good measure. Sometimes the Palestinians are lucky the soldiers only arrest someone for waving a sign or flag in the soldiers faces. The most disturbing moment is a sniper equipped with a modern scope killing an 11 year old deliberately. Maybe the kid was throwing a stone but does that merit the execution of someone in grade school? To some of you "Israel, love it or leave it" types that think it does, I say you people are nuts and evil. If the situation was reversed, you'd be screaming bloody murder to the high heavens. These Arabs deserve to live in peace like anyone else but that's not going to happen. Israel was not deeded to the Jews by God, it is just being stolen bit by bit by men using God as an excuse. It's the oldest story in the book. The English did it to the Irish, The Americans did it to the Indians, the Germans did it to the Jews, and now the Jews are doing it to the Arabs. It never ends and it's always in the name of some God. You'd think everybody would have that scam figured out by now. Anyhow if you want to see how it works ....here it is .....on film right in front of your lying eyes. There are "two sides?" Give me a break.
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