Superb Sinatra performance; the beauty of Jeanne Crain; and a serious biopic
13 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This film has two big pluses for me -- a sentimental factor, and what I see as Frank Sinatra's finest on screen performance. The sentimental factor relates to my father coming home on leave from the military. I was only 8 at the time, but he would always take me to a movie, and this particular time he took me to see "The Joker Is Wild". I don't think I had ever paid any attention to Sinatra at that age, but with the early scene of Sinatra (as Joe E. Lewis) crawled out in the hallway after being beaten and cut-up by gangsters...well, I was hooked.

Interestingly, at least for this Perry Como fan, Perry's love interest in the film "Doll Face" -- Martha Stewart -- was Joe E. Lewis' wife, in this Lewis biopic played by Mitzi Gaynor.

The script here is great...and mostly a pretty accurate depiction of the life of nightclub performer Joe E. Lewis, although, if you watch Lewis' 3 appearances on "What's My Line" (catch them on You Tube), you'll find that Lewis was no where near as sophisticated as Sinatra plays him here.

As I mentioned, this is a superb performance by Frank Sinatra. The film was made during the period that Sinatra was probably making his best films, and Sinatra was at his ingratiating best here.

The leading co-star of the picture wasn't an actor or actress, but the Oscar winning song "All The Way". What a gem! The lovely Jeanne Crain...and she was probably never lovelier than here...plays the primary romantic interest. Another superb performance. Mitzi Gaynor turns in a fine dramatic performance here as Lewis' wife (after Crain departs); her dancing is secondary here. Eddie Albert turns in one of his best performances as Austin Mack -- Lewis' piano player; I shudder when I think of such a fine character actor eventually starring in "Green Acres". Beverly Garland as Austin Mack's wife is very good, as well. It's good to see Jackie Coogan as a sort of aide de camp.

This is darned good entertainment -- a biopic that is fairly accurate and also very entertaining. highly recommended.
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