13 Assassins (2010)
Samurai Fanservice
19 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Some of the reviewers compare this movie to the Seven Samurai of Kurosawa, but I don't know what movie they were watching. Yeah, like comparing Apocalypse Now to Kickboxer 4. Kurosawa's masterwork had a plot in this universe, a continuous plot that had logical elements built on top of each other. The 13 Assassin is a lot less convincing movie with serious logical glitches and holes. Is it a part of some post- postmodern reading that I didn't get? What is the point of someone dead being revived just add some stupid sentences into his mouth? The Lazarus coming back had his throat cut some 20 minutes earlier... This movie had everything subjugated (logic, reality) so that it could show scenes the director held important. The ending scene, the flowing blood from the rooftop out of nothing, not killing the prince because he has to be left last so we can have the "great revenge scene", all this is a part of a great fan-service. I'm still waiting for the review that explains all this and maybe I'll see the movie with a different eye, but sadly most of our reviewers rejoice the gore and the action, saying this is a masterpiece and caring not about plot continuity or logic.
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