20 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This film is pure dreck. Obviously made to be beyond the shock (or nausea) level allowed on TV thereby competing to get some viewers into the movie theaters and make the producers a few bucks. There is no story, no plot. Just some senseless slaughter that even one of the characters says is not necessary!

Its too bad that tired lines like "these men are on the verge of mass hysteria" are typical. Dorothy Dandridge gives a poor performance, tarnishing her Oscar-nominee status. And this is definitely one of James Mason's all-time worst films. His performance is wooden and the lines he is given are embarrassing. His character is supposed to be courageous but really only calls for an actor (Mason) to feign desperation. No real acting is required of Mason or anyone else in this.

Former Oscar winner Broderick Crawford's role is as one-dimensional and predictable as any ever written. His character is a cardboard caricature. No wonder this helped nail the lid on the coffin of his career.

A complete waste of your time if you choose to watch. Don't bother.
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