A Million Ways to Die in the West (2014) ***1/2
1 June 2014
I went into the theater with no real familiarity of Seth MacFarlane's previous work (he wrote, directed, and stars in this movie). I just went because I thought Charlize Theron looked delicious in the trailer, and I wouldn't mind a couple of hours of light comedy, if this was done right. So, harboring no prejudice against MacFarlane, I was thoroughly entertained by this very good Western farce, which I consider more or less "BLAZING SADDLES for the 21st Century". Yes, the movie was done right... it had a good amount of funny moments, even if MacFarlane relied too often on typical modern toilet humor and sexual gags. However - he redeemed himself with a script that also offers some strong characterizations and a love story amidst the chuckles.

Seth MacFarlane looks like a misplaced Peter Brady in the role of Albert, a fish out of water living in the Old West of the 1880s, and whose sensibilities are more suited to our own modern world. His troubles adapting to ancient frontier life become even worse when his girlfriend (Amanda Seyfried) dumps his poor sorry ass and she hooks up with the mustached Foy (Neil Patrick Harris), who is the town's rich and prominent store owner. Taking matters into his own hands, the incompetent Albert desires a gun fight with Foy, but can't shoot to save his life. So when a pretty and experienced cowgirl named Anna (Charlize Theron) arrives in town, she befriends Albert and sets out to teach him how to handle a gun. But Anna has troubles of her own, since she has an estranged jealous husband (Liam Neeson) who's out looking for her, and also happens to be the most feared and dangerous gunslinger of the West.

The cast acquits itself nicely, beginning with MacFarlane and Theron, but also Harris and Neeson as the two villains. Sarah Silverman is perfect as the town whore who'll have casual and sloppy sex with everyone except her own boyfriend. We also get some fun cameos from Gilbert Godfried and Jamie Foxx. If the movie would have toned down the notch on at least some of the obligatory sleaze humor and substituted more clever jokes in their place, this would be perfect. The music and theme song were well done. All I know is, I had a good time at the movies and walked out feeling fine. And that's a rarity for theatrical experiences these days. ***1/2 out of ****
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