Absolute Garbage
11 June 2014
It is simply mind boggling to me that people can watch this and be so inspired by it simply because it tells a different story than the one they are used to hearing. It's almost like anomalous nature of the story, in and of itself, is enough to evidence the film's legitimacy to these people. In reality, and to people who know how to think critically, it should be a red flag. Conversely, and similarly confusing to me, is the fact that these same people seem to think that the fact that they have been told the same story from other sources (or as they call them, the "winners") on more than one occasion somehow discredits those versions, simply by virtue of the fact that they are corroborated ad nauseum. In reality, that fact should only support the legitimacy of those versions. Such, I suppose, is the fruit of the conspiracy theorist's tree.

Clearly, there is confirmation bias here; these people WANT this to be true, so they legitimize this ridiculous film by claiming that everyone has been lied to and THIS FILM is the truth. I would just say one thing: says who? It's completely unsourced, and is just a bunch of videos parsed together with some guy talking, OR typed words scrolling up the screen.

The bottom line is that this film flies in the face of (probably) the most well documented, and highly evidenced period on all of human history. The are no words to properly describe the holocaust; it is, and I feel will remain to be, the worst event in modern history. The complete depravity with which Jews were treated during this time was a contributing factor to the copious amounts of evidence supporting it.

The people responsible for this filth of a film want you to believe that the fact that this time period is highly corroborated is somehow evidence of the LACK of legitimacy of normative history. I have to ask, on what Earth are you living where this logic holds? That logic, however, is the last weapon of the conspiracy theorist; they have to come up with SOMETHING to justify their ridiculous position that flies in the face of documents, films, pictures, and numerous historians, all with completely consistent views.

The only way to do that is the way in which they do: the fact that there is so much corroboration and consistency (says they) is the exact reason why we cannot trust it!

I'm not saying that the idea of a historical conspiracy is impossible; but in this instance, where this group has not one shred of evidence other than their self-serving and unsupported statements, their position should not, and cannot, be taken seriously. We are left back at the beginning; this film is nothing more than a propaganda film that seeks to thrust upon us the ridiculous image of Hitler frolicking in the wilderness as a peaceful and loving man, who had no knowledge of the death camps (once again, despite numerous documentary evidence from infinite sources from all walks of life to the contrary).

It's funny - you can go watch this film on Youtube, where if you make a negative or critical comment of the film in the comments section, the poster will swiftly remove your comment, calling you a "jewbot." This is the type of person who idolizes this film, and such absurd intolerance of other view points is the exact climate in which Nazi Germany arose in the first place. I suppose the irony is lost on the feeble-minded makers of this film.
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