Blood Widow (2014)
Lousy horror film just keeps getting worse!
18 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Terrible throwback to 80's slasher movies mixed in with a little torture porn. Poorly acted, scripted drivel that wasn't scary or fun. Very dark camera-work at times making even the decent gore scenes hard to see. Was also really slow to get going. It took the 45 minute mark before it kicked into action. The main problem though is just a lack of any suspense or even sense.Finally, the ending totally sucked and left me with a feeling that I wasted nearly an hour and a half on this flick. I love good solid low budget horror movies. Too bad this wasn't one of them. Please filmmakers give us characters that we care about. I've seen too many of these films lately. And whatever happened to having a satisfying ending.
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