The Best Star Trek Fan Film Ever
25 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Not kidding here. I mean it.

The setting is the familiar, beloved, Star Trek universe, as it was depicted in the 1960s.

The main vessel here is the Starship Exeter. The Exeter was first seen in Star Trek in the episode 'The Omega Glory'. The premise is that the Exeter was salvaged and that there is a new crew on board. The new captain is a man named Garrovick, also a familiar name. He happens to be a cousin to the Garrovick who became security chief on board the USS Enterprise in the classic episode 'Obsession'. And consequently he's a nephew of the captain of the USS Farragut, another sister ship of the Enterprise, on which Kirk served as a lieutenant.

The episode begins with an amazing teaser in the best tradition of Star Trek. The Exeter comes across a very dire situation that evokes the same feeling of awe that I got from an episode like 'The Doomsday Machine'. A starbase destroyed, the USS Kongo wrecked, evidence of a weapon of devastating potential.

A familiar species seems to be behind it all (the Tholians from 'The Tholian Web') and an almost familiar species, the Tressaurians (kin to the Gorn from 'Arena'), are thrown in the mix.

The sets, the costumes, the sounds, the story, the performance... It is all spot on! This is pure 'Star Trek'. And just the way I like it! It is almost as if there really was a spin-off series in the 1960s itself! A sister series of Star Trek about a sister ship of the original Starship Enterprise.

I take a deep bow to the cast and crew that made this show possible. And I thank them for giving us this amazing experience.
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