Dull as dishwater slasher clunker
1 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Loaded with lots of tedious talk, plodding along at a glacial pace that's slower than a snail on downers, and utterly bereft of any suspense or spooky atmosphere, this excruciatingly drab and uneventful slice'n'dice dud tells the decidedly less than riveting and stirring story of mousy Leslie (busty knockout Stacey Logan) and her much more feisty gal pal Janna (slim and attractive Michele Merchant, who at least brings some zing to her part), a pair of college coeds who go on vacation at a remote cabin in the woods next to a lake. Things go terribly awry when a dangerous maniac shows up and starts bumping folks off. Writer Claudia Meyer and director Ken Meyer totally fumble the ball by strictly adhering to the old adage that "talk is cheap": There are way too many lengthy scenes of folks yakking up an agonizingly boring storm in between the infrequent and flatly staged murder set pieces which to make matters worse deliver precious little in the way of either thrills or gore. The murky and pedestrian cinematography, a frustratingly inconclusive "it ain't over yet!" sequel set-up non-ending, and the droning synthesizer score add further abject insult to already appalling injury. On the plus side, the two female leads do look mighty tasty in bathing suits and the rustic lakeside scenery likewise looks pretty. A real snorefest.
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